Why is Table of Figures Not Continuing Onto Next Page

Did you make sure that the table of figures references the correct caption label? Try recreating the table of figures in the References > Insert Table of Figures dialog box.

This may be difficult to diagnose without looking at a sample document. You can upload such a document to (say) OneDrive or Dropbox and post a share link here.

Stefan Blom
Office Apps & Services (Word) MVP
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I've tried to recreate it a few times now. Like I say it won't get past the first caption of figure one. I have deleted what was the first figure and caption and uploaded a different one and recreated and grouped the caption but the same thing happens.

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What do you see in place of the table of figures and also in place of the caption numbers, if you show field codes? Verify that the instructions are consistent. In particular, each caption of the same type should look similar. For example, a figure might look like this: { SEQ Figure \h }.

To show/hide field codes, press Alt+F9 (or Alt+Fn+F9 on some keyboards).

Again, if you are able to share the document, or a representative sample of it, please do that.

Stefan Blom
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Hi thanks for your reply. It's a masters' dissertation.

My table of Contents is fine...My table of illustrations looks like this:

Figure 1 Aggregate of the symbols found. 4

Figure 2 Plain cross at Crondall and ornate cross inscribed at Long Sutton. 7

Figure 3 Letters with dots at Farnham and an example of VV, Tau crosses and strange elongated C   8

Figure 4 Two crosses with dots at the end and one in the middle at Crondall and an ornate cross with dots at the end of each line. 10

Alt+F9 gives this: {TOC \h \z \c "Figure"}

I ungrouped the caption from the two grouped images but it stops at figure 4, there are still several figures after that, the next one looks like this: Figure 5 Pattern of dots at Compton Church and similar pattern of dots at Winchfield Church


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I would very strongly recommend that you insert all of the images so that their layout is set to In-Line with text, which will result in them being inserted in a paragraph which you should then format so that it is kept together with the next paragraph into which you insert the caption.

If you do that, you should have no problem with creating the Table of Contents and probably more importantly, your document will be less likely to become corrupted as a result of mismatched xml tag errors.

If you need to display images side by side, insert them into the cells of a table

If you need to annotate or mark up images, thereby creating what I refer to as a compound image, create the image in a separate document and then use a screen capture utility to create a single image which you then insert into your document so that it is In-line with text. Retain the separate document in case it becomes necessary to edit the compound image.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
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Which field codes do you see for the captions themselves?

Note that if you have many complex figures, for example several objects that are grouped together, you will also have to consider possible document corruption. See Doug's reply.

Stefan Blom
Office Apps & Services (Word) MVP
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Thanks both

on most of the captions I get {SEQ Figure \* ARABIC} but I have seen a couple don't have that - I will redo those ones later to see if it repairs it.

I did think the file was corrupt and I have been moving large files around so I did backup offline, update (optional but just to make sure) reboot and rebuilt file by setting it to draft and copying only the text and setting it all to 'normal' to get rid of an extraneous stuff... then reformatting and inserting the images again.

I don't want to use in-line as some of the comments for the images are very short so that wouldn't work - I use either square or top and bottom. I thought the way I was using the tool was the proper way setting up table seems clunky...? I want to emphasize I am talking about the table of figures not the table of contents, which is working fine.


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Checking which ones didn't have the {SEQ Figure \* ARABIC} code and redoing them has worked - for now anyway.

I am doing several chapters each in a separate document and then I will have to amalgamate them into one document and redo the table of contents/figures which I know is going to be a pain - I'm glad that I checked it was working now and didn't find out later. I think I saw something about setting up the figure caption to use the chapter and then maybe restart at one so that might be worth investigating so I don't have to redo all the captions - any ideas?

Thanks a lot both for your replies and the Alt+Fn+F9 - now I know what to look for if it plays up again

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Thanks for the follow-up. A table of figures will only pick up exactly those SEQ fields (caption numbers) whose identifier (or label) is an exact match with the TOC field instruction.

Stefan Blom
Office Apps & Services (Word) MVP
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Source: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/table-of-figures-not-working/ec6a43fb-d04d-471e-b256-675eeff78f0e

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